Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Betong Detox Camp - 2014年Betong健康排毒营

Kulim centre很荣幸能邀请到J&J的赖全合老师来分享排毒营。赖老师本地著名书法家、画家,拥有自己的艺术学院。他被安利事业的制度与价值吸引,而开始深入了解,并兼职发展。不到一年时间成为红宝石直系,并连续四年达成安利海外旅游奖励。也曾经两度被邀请去美国参观Nutrlite Organic Farm.年过半百的赖老师在安利不只是的到财务自由,更重要的是一家人的健康。

The 3 Stages of Detox 排毒3阶段


认识和体验您的身体真正所需:有机蔬菜水果、洁净的水、远离污染的环境 包括新鲜空气和阳光。
“断食”即暂时不吃五谷杂粮只喝适量菜果汁和水(不是什么都不吃,自我发动体内的气场,在过程中让身体 各个器官得以休养和调整、身心回到源()点,进而恢复健康的精、气、神。身体同时也会 自我调理体内过剩、弱化、老化、增生或病变等不健康的新陈代谢;溶解多糖类、过剩脂肪和蛋白质, 达到自然减肥及排毒防病治病的效果,进一步让身心灵回归到和谐。
学习如何与身体沟通对话的养生健身操,它综合了佛家、道家、儒家、中医的养生 技术与现代心理学,对现代人调整身心、防病治病均能获得“立竿见影”的效果。


日期: 5-7/12/2014
营费 :每位只需 RM300(包含住宿,营养套餐和保健食品)

Those are few examples of successful cases


Tuesday, 25 November 2014

How to be A successful Leader in Amway - by Lesley Ng

Lesley Ng, a platinum direct distributor who was doing her master in exercise physiology in advanced medical and dental institute, USM when she met Amway opportunity. She decided to quit her master degree and focused fully in Amway, she started her own house meeting at 3%. and MUS at 6%.

Two years building the Amway business as a part time, she decided to retire at the age of 25 and build Amway business as full time. This allowed her to do more things that she loved to do. For instance, she went to India and became a nun for 4 months. She can wake up a bit later than other people everyday and can avoid traffic jam.

In fact, we always worry about not having all the answers in this business. Just accepting that we do not know everything, and that we are open to always keep learning is a tremendous step to be success in this business. Lesley found great joy in learning all kinds of different things. Accepting that life is one big journey of never-ending learning and eventually she found herself closer to success. To Lesley, Amway is more than just a source of income, she sees its value and amway is giving her much more than money can ever buy, for examples, maturity, personal development, compassion and time with her family. She is passionate and committed to take the business to a greater height till Founder Council Member.

Never stop learning, because life never stop teaching.